Our Country Western Dance Workshops are designed to get you up and dancing in just one day! You will leave with a solid foundation of the basics and new confidence for success on the social dance floor! Offering 4 different dance styles ~ choose a single style or learn all 4 over a single weekend or consecutive Saturdays or Sundays.

Saturday, October 21
3pm Night Club 2-step
4pm Country Waltz
Sunday, October 22
6pm Country Two-step
7pm Couples Line Dancing
Saturday, October 28
3pm Country Two-step
4pm Couples Line Dancing
Sunday, October 29
6pm Night Club 2-step
7pm Country Waltz
Tuition per workshop: $15 preregistered/ $20 at the door
Best Deal! 4 workshops for $50 preregistered ($60 at the door)
Register Today! www.dancewithjoystudios.com
Questions? info@dancewithjoystudios.com (503) 236-8160
Location: Dance with Joy Studios, 7981 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR 97202